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Alea specializes primarily in estate administration and is dedicated to guiding clients through the challenges and complexities of probate with empathy and expertise. Clear communication, explanation, and compassion drive Alea's practice of probate law to alleviate the burden of grieving family members during the administration of their loved one's estate. Outside of work, Alea enjoys listening to audiobooks on walks outside, identifying plants and birds, and attending musical theater.


Juris Doctor Degree: Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Provo, Utah, 2023

Executive Editor, Brigham Young university Journal of Public Law

Fellow, J. Reuben Clark Law Society Religious Freedom Fellowship, 2021

Law Student Wellbeing Association, Vice President of Events and Student Representative

Women in Law


Bachelor's Degree in American Studies: Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 2020

Minors: Mandarin Chinese and School of Family Life

Student Body President, American Studies Program, 2020


Extern Judicial Clerkship, Utah Supreme Court Chambers of Justice John Pearce, 2022

Research Fellow, International Center for Law and Religion Studies, 2021


State Bar of Nevada, 2023


Americana Journal, 2021, Rod Serling's Response to Nuclear War in The Twilight Zone and its Ongoing Application to the Threats of Today's World

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